
Welcome to my carrd! IF you ever want to dm me feel free to! Im always happy to chat about anything, whether you want to talk about media you enjoy or you just need someone who can listen!I am mostly a spn twt account but occasionally post about other media I enjoy (at the current moment detroit become human & stranger things)


@FIREFLYcastiel, @luvandstardust, @spnempress, @ap0ll0emrys, @k_funkytown, @lanathequeen, @stepintothe18, @fionaswhvre, @seraphilms, @ricochetdean, @deanbegins, @itisthepizzaman, @thy_beans, @oblivionite, @petitepaech13, @darklingrunes, @bvckystjames, @deanmon118, @nio_bee_um, @yeehawdean67, @celestialfate, @acciomckinnon, @missmeliss_23, @alemyra3, @milkywayspidey, @jwinchesterdilf, @simmychu, @spencerspork, @bookishnes, @honeycastiel, @quirkywhirlwind, @casdeansoftie, @theheckmouth, @clairsvalentine, @cookiewings7, @swordofzira, @roscoeloml, @highwaterheaven, @cevermore, @followsthebees, @ronitherebel, @acciomckinnon, @destiel_wings

list of moots i interact with fairly often! if you'd like to be on or off the list feel free to dm me! ♡


I am a fan of giving moots all the compliments (as they deserve) but if this makes you uncomfortable absolutely let me know!i sweari occasionally type in all capsi am inconsistent at using tone tags (if you need them feel free to let me know and I'll make sure to remember that!)i am currently (always) hyperfixated on supernatural and its pretty much all I talk about


transphobe, queerphobe, aphobe, racist, ableist, fatphobic, etc...ship (w)incestdon't respect neopronouns and microlabelstfw2.0 antis of any variety
hate on any of my comforts :(


Characters: castiel, dean winchester, sam winchester, eileen leahy, cassie robinson, merlin, gwaine, lancelot, darcy, sam wilson, winston bishop, nick miller, cece parekh, catra, adora, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, jemma simmons, leo fitz, phil coulson, melinda may, antoine triplett, joan watson, sherlock holmes (elementary), & marcus bellshows: supernatural, merlin, new girl, gilmore girls, little witch academia, hilda, glee, shadow & bone, agents of shield, heartstopper, stranger things, young royals, & elementarymovies: shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings, black widow, jennifer's body, mean girl's, clueless, easy a, legally blonde, the half of it, into the spiderverse, kiki's delivery servicemusicals: hadestown (all versions), in the green, falsettos, six, in the heights, be more chill, mean girl's, rent, & the promartists: phoebe bridgers, Matt maeson, will wood, rks, autoheart, conan gray, peach pitt, lord huron, IDkhbtfm, the crane wives, lovejoy, james marriott, the lumineers, lucy dacus, the amazing devil, mother mother, ricky montgomery, briston maroney,
alt-j, mitski, taylor swift, the oh hellos, liza anne, go! child, & allison ponthier
books: burn our bodies down, radio silence, we are okay, raybearer duology, sadie, wilder girls, iron widow, rupi kaur's poetry, they never learn, the last true poets of the sea, house of hollow, the mirror season, the dead and the dark, & an unkindness of ghosts (this list could be miles longer so if you wanna chat about a book just message me, if i haven't read it I will read it so we can talk about it!)video games: detroit: become human, stardew valley, life is strange, the sims 3, horizon zero dawn, the sims 4, lake, pokemon sun, breath of the wild & spiritfarer

Cas/Merlin | 16

  • Lesbian ace demiromantic

  • nonbinary transmasc

  • adhd

  • taurus

  • infj-t

  • white

  • tfw-coded tfw girl (gn)

  • enneagram 2w1

  • digital artist

  • love to analyze media (through a queer lens)

  • am fine with pet names/nicknames! (I am uncomfortable with feminine gendered terms though so please do avoid those)

  • Multishipper (like to an absurd extent, I mostly talk about deancas, occasionally saileen, samwena, samcas, saileena, deancassie, but there's definitely more than that)